Navigating contemporary FinTech solutions: revealing potential and challenges

Centre for Research on Economic Relations (CER) and the Economic Research Foundation in Sundsvall, are pleased to invite you to participate at the CER FinTech Symposium which will take place at Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall Campus, Sweden, on 3-4 June  2024.

The symposium will establish an interactive environment in which researchers can have dialogues and discussions on the insights that FinTech advanced solutions can bring to different parties but also to investigate unexpected consequences which might generate from using such solutions.

Submitted papers might be within, but are not limited to, the following areas:

• The ethics of using FinTech solutions

• FinTech solutions and bias issues

• ‘One size fits all' financial Robo-advisor approach

• Exploring the prospect of Central Bank Digital Currencies

• Behavioral aspects of e-banking technology

• The future of digital payment

For more details, check Call for papers


Arman Eshraghi, Professor of Finance and Investment, Deputy Head of Section for Research, Impact and Innovation, Cardiff Business School, United Kingdom & Co-Editor-in-Chief of International Review of Economics & Finance


Arman Eshraghi holds the Chair of Finance and Investment at Cardiff Business School, UK. His academic research spans finance and accounting with interests including investments, behavioural/corporate finance and financial technology. His work is published in some of the leading journals of the field (such as RFS, RF, JEF, AOS, AAAJ, BJM), and cited in the media including the Financial Times, Washington Post, Harvard Business Review, Forbes and Bloomberg. Professor Eshraghi is Editor-in-Chief of International Review of Economics and Finance, Senior Editor of Finance Research Letters and the Global Finance Journal, and currently co-editing a Special Issue for the European Journal of Finance. In addition, he is a Shimomura Fellow of the Development Bank of Japan, Erskine Fellow of the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, visiting fellow at University College London, vice-chair of the British Accounting and Finance Association Professorial Committee, co-director of the Behavioural Finance Working Group and the Cardiff Fintech Research Group, and a former Advisory Panel Member of Fintech Wales.


Sofia Johan is an Associate Professor of Finance at the College of Business, Florida Atlantic University, and a Visiting Professor at InnoLab, University of Vaasa. She is co-editor of Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance and also Associate Editor of the British Journal of Management, International Journal of Finance and Economics, British Accounting Review,and Finance Research Letters.

Sofia has published over 84 articles in leading journals, such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and Journal of International Business Studies, and has been cited over 5,800 times. She also sits on the Editorial Boards of Emerging Markets Review, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal and Journal of Industrial and Business Economics. Sofia has published 6 academic books, including The Oxford Handbook of Hedge Funds (2021), Crowdfunding: Fundamental Cases, Facts, and Insights (2019), and The Oxford Handbook of IPOs (2018).


We are excited to announce a special Meet-the-Editors session at the Symposium, featuring distinguished speakers and editors. Professors Sabri Boubaker, Arman Eshraghi, and Sofia Johan will be in attendance, participating in insightful discussions related to the journals under their supervision. These journals cover a diverse range of financial subjects.





Sabri Boubaker

Professor of Finance, EM Normandie Business School & Swansea University & Editor of Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting


Arman Eshraghi

Professor of Finance, Cardiff University & Co-Editor of International Review of Economics & Finance, Senior Editor of Finance Research Letters and Global Finance Journal 


Sofia Johan

Associate Professor of Finance, Florida Atlantic University & a Chair in Entrepreneurial Finance at the University of Aberdeen & co-editor of Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance




Submission deadline:

15 March 2024

Notification of review results:

31 March 2024

Registration deadline:
30 April 2024 
Symposium Dates
3-4 June 2024 


 Sabri Boubaker EM Normandie Business School, France & Swansea University, United Kingdom

Peter Öhman, Mid Sweden University, Sweden

Mustafa Nourallah, Mid Sweden University, Sweden

Izidin El Kalak, Cardiff University, UK


The Centre for Research on Economic Relations (CER), Sweden 

The Economic Research Foundation in Sundsvall, Sweden 

EM Normandie Business School, France 

Academy of Financial Services, USA


Special issue (SI) of Financial Services Review (FSR) Navigating contemporary FinTech solutions: revealing potential and challenges, under the Guest-editorship of  Professor Peter Öhman, Dr Mustafa Nourallah, and Dr Izidin El Kalak. For more details about the SI Call for papers click HERE.


Selected symposium papers may also be also invited for submission to the following journals: 

International Review of Economics & Finance (IREF)

Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting (JIFMA) 

 International Finance


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